One day Workshop on” R” at NDMVPS KBT COE, Nashik organized by the Teaching Learning Centre, ICT at IIT Bombay.
One week FDP on Data Science at NDMVPS KBT COE, Nashik on 4th to 9th November 2019 sponsored by MHRD under PMMMNMTT CAS scheme.
3 days “Faculty Development Program for Student Induction (FDP-SI)” at NDMVPS KBT COE, Nashik on 9th August to 11th August 2019 organized AICTE.
2 days FDP on “ICT Based Innovative Teaching-learning Pedagogical Methods” at NDMVPS KBT COE, Nashik on 26th to 27th July 2019.
One week FDP on Data Science and Machine learning using python at NDMVPS KBT COE, Nashik on 2nd May to 6th May 2019.
2 days’ workshop on Emotional Intelligence at NDMVPS KBT COE, Nashik on 28 September 2018 t0 30 September 2018 conducted by ICT academy.
Participated in one day Largest Industry-Institute Interaction Event of India “Bridge18 –Future of work” organized by ICT academy at pune on 10th January 2018.
One week FDP on Data Science and Big data Analytics at NDMVPS KBT COE, Nashik on 11th December 2017 to 16 December 2017 conducted by ICT academy.
One day FDP on “outcome based teaching learning process” at PVG COE Pune on 19th August 2015.
One day Training on “BCUD sponsored Project Research Competition” at KKW Science college, Pimpalgaon Baswant, on date 2nd July 2015.
One day Training Program on “Open source technology” at Rajarshi Shahu College of Engineering Pune on 8th July 2013.
One Week Hands on Workshop of “Hadoop Big Data Set” Conducted by Sandip Institute of Technology and Research Centre on 9th to 13th October 2014.
Three days AICTE sponsored Training program on “RESEARCH METHODOLOGY”
at K.L.University, Vijayawada on 15th to 18th may 2013.
Two days ISTE Workshop on “RESEARCH METHODS IN EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY” conducted by IIT Bombay on 2nd and 9th Feb 2012.
One day workshop on Teaching Methodology expert from Mission 10X on 29 Dec 2012 at Amrutvahini College of Engineering
Two days workshop on Distributed operating system at G.S.Moze COE,Balewadi ,Pune .16th & 17th March 2012.
Three days workshop on Communicative English and Presentation skill at AVCOE Sangamner, 2010.
Two days’ workshop on Network simulator-2 at Walchand College of Engineering Sangali, 2008.
One day workshop on Effective teaching and Personal Effectiveness, 2007.
Two days’ workshop on Real-time Operating system (RTOS) at IIT Powai, 2006.
Two days’ workshop on Multimedia techniques at Sinhagad College of Engineering, 2006.